TL431 is a three-terminal adjustable precision shunt regulator with fast a turn-on timing, which is suitable for various common applications. This IC is basically a low temperature coefficient Zener diode which is programmable with two external resistor R1& R2.
TL431 Calculator is precisely designed to calculate accurate values. R1 is assumed to be 1KOhm or higher for circuit efficiency and taken with practical approach. Select Vo (output voltage)

Important Final Values : R2 (both exact value & Standard nearest value of resistor). Resistor values are calculated to the nearest 1% value also neared to standard resistor value.
The datasheet says the regulated output voltage is programmable between 2.495V and 36Volts. And the maximum output current is limited to 100mA.The TL431 is made with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive, commercial, and military temperature ranges. The output voltage can be set to any value between the reference voltage V(ref), with two external resistors. This IC have a typical output impedance of 0.2Ω.
The Active output circuitry provides a quick turn-on characteristic, which means it’s great for replacing Zener diodes in application like keeping steady the DC power supply in cars or making adjustable power supplies and switching power supply for electronics.
For complete detail and more technical data on effect of temperature on output and form factor of available IC:
TL431 Datasheet (link)